Employee Training [Healthcare Compliance Tips]

Exclusion List [Healthcare Compliance Tips]

Employee Training [Healthcare Compliance Tips]

Exclusion List [Healthcare Compliance Tips]
Hotline [Healthcare Compliance Tips]

Publicize your hotline. And, reiterate failure to report errors or fraudulent conduct is a violation of the compliance program.
Per the SAI Global and Strategic Management’s 2019 Healthcare Compliance Benchmark Report, 72% of entities reported that they use a hotline vendor.
Under the OIG’s 7 Elements of an Effective Compliance Program, it is vital that healthcare organizations:
- Respond appropriately to detected offenses and develop corrective action.
- Develop open lines of communication.
- Enforce disciplinary standards through well-publicized guidelines.
As an employer, it is your job to ensure a reporting system is added to your practice, in which employees do not fear retribution if they speak up. The method you choose can be in the form of an anonymous dropbox/email or hire a hotline vendor.
Remember, if employees, patients, or vendors expect you, as an employer, to acknowledge potential compliance issues that affect them, it is fair game to develop policies and procedures requiring them to report errors or fraudulent activity promptly.
**The opinions and observations from the group/author are not a promise to exempt your practice from fines and penalties. Research, modify, and tailor the advice to fit your specialty.